
in this same bar where you slammed down your hand
and said “Amanda, i’m in love”
no you’re not
you’re just a sucker for the ones who use you
and it doesn’t matter what i say or do
the stupid bastard’s gonna have his way with you...
and if you take him home
you'll get what you deserve...

so don’t cry delilah
you’re still alive delilah
you need a ride delilah?...

She tied you to a kitchen chair,
she broke your throne, she cut your hair,
and from your lips she drew the Hallelujah...

culpable, culpógena, forra, boluda, idiota, ingenua, tarada, masoquista, sádica, equivocada, egocéntrica, egoísta, dañina, débil, cobarde, tonta, incoherente, actriz, maldita, dependiente, obsesiva, insoportable, histérica, herida, ignorante, manipuladora, manipulada... ilusa.

siempre encontraste la mejor forma para hacer o decir todo.

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