
(...)For all eternity
And every day he runs by screaming
Everything you know is wrong
Love is hate, heal is hurt and none is all
And everything you used to think was so important
Doesn't really matter anymore
Because the simple fact remains that
Everything you know is wrong
Just forget the words and breathe along
All you need to understand is
Everything you know is wrong
Everything you know is wrong.


Ice grew colder, embracing me, taking me to a state in which I had found myself several times before.
A state I despised, a state of survival, a state of tears, shades, shadows.
Yet it was much better, and that I knew well, than the despair in which otherwise I'd stay.
Having given so many chances to so many, I wondered why not give another chance to the cold white sin.

No one can save you now, from this heaven safe and sound.
Just hold your breath on your way down.
Dejé de escribir, un poco
un poco porque me da miedo romper
con nuestra realidad,

antes de volverme
asesina de palabras,
actriz de tu verdad.

Dejé de contar, de a poco
lo que pasó acá adentro
desde que llegaste.

Al principio era todo;
eras el cambio, eras alegría
eras lágrimas, vida.

Y ahora, otra vez
Otra vez si..., (sí, erro).

Me quedo con la cabeza pegada
a la ventanilla del vidrio
y leo poemas que van.

Porque es más fácil.
Porque qué sé yo.
¿Qué sé, yo?

Abandoné, como siempre
aunque por motivos distintos,
y ahora escribo sobre el abandono.

Condené delirios-
es más difícil pintar la realidad
(que no tenemos).

Encontremos, sino
palabras que digan lo contrario.
Dejemos de joder, con esto del amor.